Reduce time spent on marketing, increase visibility, improve your funnels, get more clients - what are you waiting for?


for coaches, therapists, Human Design practitioners and the likes.




There is a steady stream of ideal clients who deeply desire what you offer and resonate with your message, who are searching for you. And you're not there. As a marketing coach with 12 years of experience, I specialize in making coaches, therapists, and practitioners, like you, attract clients online - without having to be consistent on social media. Instead, I help you implement a digital marketing strategy that makes people come to you, rather than you having to hunt them down.

Why Rely on Social Media When You Can:

  • Attract People who are SEEKING to buy

  • Enjoy Effortless Leads

  • Become the Thought Leader

  • Create Funnels Without the Headache

  • Have Messaging and Copywriting Be Simple

Ready to stop playing catch-up on social media and start attracting clients on autopilot? Let’s make it happen! 

1:1 Coaching | 6 Months

I help coaches and therapists consistently attract more clients through search engines, as people actively search for what you offer - instead of hoping they will buy when passively scrolling social media.

Working together, this is what you’ll get. And, no, you don’t have to become a website wizard to get this done. And, no, this will not take much time to implement - believe it or not!

I will walk you through each step and make your website into a well oiled machine that brings in super hot leads (aka dream client material) every month. So, here’s what we’ll do together:

Customized Keyword Research

Ever wondered what your ideal clients are secretly typing into Google at 2 a.m.? Let’s crack that code together! I’ll hand you a curated list of juicy keywords that’ll have clients lining up at your virtual door, actively searching for the exact magic you offer. Not only will this boost your blog game and make your web pages irresistible, but it’s the secret sauce for ads that actually work (hint: Google Ads has way higher ROI than Facebook Ads!).

Why it matters: We’re not just talking more clicks—we’re talking more dream clients who are already halfway sold on you before they even hit your page!

SEO Website Audit & Action Plan

Think of this as a makeover for your website! I’ve looked at your current SEO performance and now you can get a crystal-clear action plan to make sure your site is front and center when clients are searching.

Why it matters: A website that isn’t optimized is like a gorgeous store with no sign out front—no one knows you're there! This audit will make sure you’re the hottest spot in town (or at least, on Google).

Improve Your Website's Search Ranking

I’ll help you optimize your pages with the right keywords, meta descriptions, and headers to make sure Google (and your clients) knows exactly where to find you. And we’re not stopping there—let’s turn those sales pages into irresistible client magnets with easy, practical hacks.

Why it matters: The more visible you are, the more clients will be knocking on your (virtual) door—and all this without breaking a sweat on social media!

Content Strategy for Consistent and Cumulative Visibility

Creating content doesn’t have to feel like a never-ending chore. Together, we’ll craft a killer content plan that works smarter, not harder. You’ll get fill-in-the-blank templates, so every blog post you write does double duty—building your authority and boosting your rankings. Plus, We’ll create custom SOPs to keep it all running smoothly.

Why it matters: Stay top-of-mind for potential clients by creating content that works for you 24/7, even while you’re sipping your favorite cocktail or taking a yoga class!

Funnels, Email Sequences, and Ads

With our deep keyword research, we’ll build email sequences and funnels that are laser-focused on what your ideal clients are actually searching for. This means more people opening, clicking, and buying! Plus, with the right keywords, we’ll target low-competition, high-volume searches—meaning you get the most out of your ad budget with cheap, effective ads.

Why it matters: You’ll be able to create irresistible offers, guide clients effortlessly through your marketing funnel, and turn high-quality leads into paying clients—all while maximizing your ad spend. Remember how much cheaper and more efffective these ads are than Facebook and Instagram ads!!

Monthly ProgImageress Check-ins

SEO doesn’t have to feel like a mystery. I’ll help you get easy-to-understand reports each month, showing you what’s working, what’s not, and exactly where we’re headed next. Plus, we’ll set you up with Google Analytics and Search Console—don’t worry, it’s easier than it sounds!

Why it matters: These check-ins keep you moving forward with confidence, and you’ll feel like an SEO wizard without having to spend hours decoding data.

Ready to grow your business with a website that works hard on your behalf? Let’s do this—simple, fun, and wildly effective!

Ready to grow your business with a website that works hard on your behalf? Let’s do this—simple, fun, and wildly effective!


  • 24 sessions (6 months) 

  • Voxer access between sessions

  • Custom Blueprints (Including SOPs, Content Calendar, Quarterly goals etc)

  • Recordings of each session for future reference

...and it's currently only $5k for the 6 months (!!)

Why SEO Will Transform Your Business

→ The Core of a Successful Digital Strategy

Boosting All Marketing Efforts

SEO not only attract more of the right people to your website, it also boosts the effectiveness of Google Ads, social media campaigns, and email marketing.

Copywriting & Messaging

By focusing on SEO, you will know exactly what words and phrases to use in order to attract people into your world, but also make them hire you. SEO is therefore an easy way to radically improve your messaging and copywriting skills.

Saving Time & Effort in Marketing

By strategically utilising SEO in combination with AI, creating high quality marketing content becomes faster, easier and time saving.

Maximizing ROI

It ensures every dollar you invest in advertising is optimized, leading to more clients signing up for your services.

Consistency Made Simple

Starting with SEO at the core of your marketing strategy, will make repurposing that content into social media channels and other digital platforms easier. It makes it simple to stay consistent with content planning and content creation.

Increase Your Online Visibility and Attract More Coaching Clients with SEO

Feel the excitement of seeing your efforts pay off, knowing that your expertise is reaching those who need it most.

Increased Visibility: Watch as your website attracts more organic traffic, putting you on the radar of potential clients.

Higher Engagement: See more discovery calls and inquiries from individuals who resonate with your message.First Steps to Success: Begin filling your calendar with clients aligned with your values and expertise.

Enhance Your Client Conversion Funnel with SEO-Driven Marketing

Strengthen Your Digital Ecosystem. Experience satisfaction and confidence as your marketing strategy becomes a well-oiled machine, allowing you to focus on helping others.

Enhanced ROI on Google Ads: SEO drives more qualified leads, reduces ad costs, and boosts conversion rates.

Funnel Optimization: Experience growth in your email list and improved social media engagement, solidifying your authority in your field.

Synergistic Marketing: Enjoy the benefits of a marketing ecosystem where all elements—SEO, ads, social media, and email—work together seamlessly.

Sustainable Growth and Increased Revenue

Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with financial security, knowing your business is thriving and you have the freedom to grow and evolve.

Consistent Client Flow: Your website will continue to rank higher, bringing in new clients without constant advertising spend.Increased Trust and Authority: Retain clients, encourage repeat business, and gain referrals as your optimized content builds your


Business Expansion: With financial stability, explore new opportunities and expand your offerings to make an even greater impact.


Book your SEO Audit now:


"I have been trying to find my voice in the online space for a while. Martine helped me tremendously with clarifying the language in my messaging, and how to communicate the essence of my business in a simple way. I can warmly recommend her to anyone who needs help with marketing themselves as a coach."

– Hanna, Feminine health coach

"I hadn't heard of content planning through the lens of SEO. But my copywriting and messaging became so clear when implementing it this way!" - Jenna

"Martine was able to help me dig into my resistance around playing big in my business and we uncovered the source of it. WOW such a shift for me, now that I am consciously aware of this pattern I am able to work on transforming it!

Thank you so much Martine for your presence, professionalism and intuition!"

– Sandra, Financial coach

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