
Bringing Spirituality into Your Coaching Business

September 16, 20244 min read

My Journey as a Spiritual Digital Marketing Coach

Hey everyone! Today, I’m diving into something a bit different but super important—my own experience of coming out of the proverbial spiritual closet. Yep, it’s about owning who we are, embracing our quirks, and stepping into the spotlight as our most authentic selves. Sound familiar? If you’ve been holding back, afraid of what people might think about your true self, this one’s for you.

Navigating Identity as a Coach

As a digital marketing coach, I’ve seen this firsthand. So many of us are stepping away from traditional roles—whether as students or employees—and venturing into the world of entrepreneurship. This shift isn’t just about business; it’s about identity. Who am I now? How do I show up? And yes, showing the world your “new” self can be terrifying.

For me, the journey started young. I’ve always been drawn to all things spiritual—alternative health practices, mindfulness, energy healing—you name it. While my mom’s side of the family embraced these practices, my dad’s side focused more on academics. Even with support, I was still petrified to speak my truth publicly about these things. The fear of judgment was real.

Facing the Fear of Judgment

Talking about spirituality, energy, and manifestation on social media or a podcast like this was terrifying. It felt like every part of me wanted to hit the brakes. My brain was on overdrive, thinking, “What if people laugh at me? What if they think I’m crazy?”

I remember seeing how Norway’s Princess Märtha Louise was mocked for her spiritual beliefs, and that didn’t exactly boost my confidence. And let’s be real—there’s a lot of skepticism about these topics. Some people immediately put them in the “crazy” or “nonsense” category, and that can be tough to face.

Authenticity Over Perfection

But here’s what I realized: The fear of judgment isn’t just about others—it’s about how we feel about ourselves. We give too much power to other people’s beliefs, forgetting to honor our own. Hiding parts of ourselves to avoid criticism only holds us back.

I see this all the time in the spiritual and self-development world. People water down who they are or create “close friends” lists on social media so they can share their true selves with only a select few. It’s almost like an underground movement where people keep their spiritual side hidden while presenting a “normal” version to the world.

My Journey to Owning My Truth

Opening up about my spirituality has been one of my biggest challenges. I’ve worked hard with my coach to fully embrace my out-of-the-box, colorful self without feeling like a dartboard for criticism. And guess what? It’s been so freeing.

Yes, it’s scary. But it’s also empowering. Whether it’s spirituality, starting a new business, or shifting into a different career, the fear of showing our true selves is real. But staying in a “safe” identity only limits us.

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

What I’ve learned as a coach is that we’re not just afraid of what people think—we’re afraid of how their reactions will make us feel. It’s not the criticism we’re scared of; it’s the discomfort that comes with it. But here’s the good news: Once we’re willing to face that discomfort, we can achieve anything.

When I first started sharing my spiritual views on Instagram, I spent hours blocking people I thought might judge me. It was my way of dipping my toe into the water. Little by little, I unblocked people and started owning who I am.

It’s a process, but it’s worth it. Just like when I showed my boyfriend my spiritual business account—I was horrified! But in the end, he was so supportive. It’s amazing how much we build up fears in our heads that often don’t come true.

How Embracing Authenticity Transforms Your Business

So, what does this mean for you? Whether you’re transitioning into a new business, embracing spirituality, or simply showing a new side of yourself, authenticity is everything. The more you step into your true self, the more your business will grow in a way that feels aligned and effortless.

Your people—those who resonate with you—will be drawn to your energy when you show up as YOU. No more hiding, no more dimming your light. It’s time to let yourself shine and attract the clients and opportunities that are meant for you.

Grow Your Coaching Business as Your Authentic Self

Here’s the takeaway: The more we embrace who we really are, the more aligned our businesses become. When you show up authentically—whether in your marketing, social media, or business decisions—you naturally attract the right clients and opportunities.

Your future self is calling you! Build a thriving business by being your authentic self. As a digital marketing coach, I help you embrace authenticity and create marketing strategies that align with your unique vision. Let’s get started— start by getting a free website audit!

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