menstrual cycle for business

How to use your cycles as a business plan ft. Hanna Frydenberg

September 15, 20243 min read

How to Use Your Menstrual Cycles as a Business Plan: A Guide for Coaches and Therapists

Today, we're talking about something that could totally change the way you run your business—syncing your work with your menstrual cycle. I’m chatting with Hannah Friedenbank, a clinical dietitian, yoga teacher, and expert in women’s health, who discovered that our monthly cycles can actually serve as a guide for how we approach our work. Yup, your body’s natural rhythms can help you get more done with less stress!

Hannah’s personal journey into women’s health and her passion for functional nutrition led her to a groundbreaking idea: using the four phases of the menstrual cycle as a business blueprint. Whether you're a coach or therapist, understanding these phases can help you plan your tasks and maximize your energy levels. Let’s dive into how this works!

The Four Phases of the Menstrual Cycle and Your Business

  1. Menstrual Phase (New Moon) – The Chill Zone: This is your body’s “do-not-disturb” time. Instead of forcing yourself to power through, Hannah suggests that you embrace rest. Use this phase to reflect, meditate, and dream up your next big ideas. For coaches and therapists, this is the perfect time to brainstorm new offerings or think about what you really want to focus on in the coming weeks.

  2. Follicular Phase (Waxing Moon) – The Idea Generator Now that your energy is back, it’s time to get creative and start planning. During this phase, you’ll feel more social, more logical, and ready to take action. This is the perfect time to map out marketing campaigns, schedule content creation, and connect with new clients. Your brain is firing on all cylinders, so use it to your advantage!

  3. Ovulation Phase (Full Moon) – The Super Connector Peak energy, anyone? During ovulation, your social skills are on point, making it the best time for client meetings, presentations, or anything that requires you to be front and center. If you’ve got big events or interviews lined up, this is when you’ll shine the brightest. Seriously, it's like your body’s built-in networking hack.

  4. Luteal Phase (Waning Moon) – The Closer As your energy starts to wind down, this phase is perfect for tying up loose ends. Not feeling super social? No problem. Use this time to finalize projects, organize your inbox, and finish up tasks you started earlier in the cycle. It’s also a great time to reflect on what worked and what didn’t, so you can tweak things for next time.

How to Use Your Cycle to Plan Your Coaching Practice

By syncing your business activities with the phases of your cycle, you’ll not only feel more aligned but also more energized. Imagine scheduling your big presentations during your ovulation phase when you’re naturally more charismatic, or using your follicular phase to brainstorm new services for your clients. It’s like having your own built-in calendar that helps you work smarter, not harder!

Ready to Work with Your Body Instead of Against It?

Running your coaching or therapy practice doesn’t have to be a grind. Tuning into your body’s natural rhythms makes everything flow more smoothly. By understanding your cycle, you can create a work routine that feels lighter, more balanced, and way more enjoyable.

And the best part? You get to honour your body’s needs without sacrificing your productivity. Want to learn more about how to make this work for you? Tune in to the full podcast episode!

If you’re a coach or therapist ready to bring some ease into your business—and would love support from a digital marketing coach who gets the importance of balance—let’s chat! I can help you attract more clients and grow your online presence, without the overwhelm. Schedule a free discovery call today!

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